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时间:2022/12/5 14:49:24 浏览:5





The collocation of Yin and Yang is called Tao. He who follows it is wise. He who succeeds to follow it gives the credit to his nature. He who is benevolent could find benevolence in what he regards it as benevolent and he who is wise could find wisdom in what he regards it as wise. The ordinary people act upon these principles everyday without being aware of them. This is why they say that the superior man's Tao is rare.


下面引用的译文出自理雅各(James Legge,1815-1897),理雅各的翻译似乎是在针对浅层翻译的弊端,有意地释而改译之:

The successive movement of the inactive and active operations constitutes what is called the course (of things). That which ensues as the result (of their movement) is goodness; that which shows it in its completeness is the natures (of men and things). The benevolent see it and call it benevolence. The wise see it and call it wisdom. The common people, acting daily according to it, yet have no knowledge of it. Thus it is that the course (of things), as seen by the superior man, is seen by few.




Therefore in (the system of) the I there is the Grand Terminus, which produced the two elenentary Forms. Those two Forms produced the Four emblematic Symbols, which again produced the eight Trigrams. The eight trigrams served to determine the good and evil (issues of events), and form this determination was produced the (successful prosecution of the) great business (of life). Therefore of all things that furnish models and visible figures there are none greater than heaven and earth; of things that change and extend an influence (on other ) there are none greater than the four seasons; of things suspended (in the sky) with their figures displayed clear and bright, there are none greater than the sun and moon;

“深层翻译”也称为“深层涵养翻译”,重在发掘“言下之意”和“言外之意”,总之是“超指称”成了译者的关注中心。我们可从小处看到理氏在翻译时很重视有意向参与的超指称意义:“一阴一阳”表示的不是搭配,而是运动,理氏译出来了。汉语中这种例子很多:“一前一后”、“一进一出”、“一开一关”,成语结构本身就有运动、发展意向的含蓄意义。对于深层意向把握,理氏非常慎重,不轻易以音译了事。例如“太极”他按意译舍音译。两汉时代刘歆、王充、郑玄都将“太极”理解为“元气”(如王充《衡论·谈天》:“元气未分,浑沌为一。”)。在唐代孔颖达以前,“太极”并无定义,《吕氏春秋》认为“太极”就是“太一”:“太一出两仪,两仪出阴阳,一上一下,合而成章。”据孔颖达的解释,“太极”就是“太初”(孔颖达《系辞传》正义),所以理雅各将“太极”译成“Grand Terminus”是有道理的。



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